Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Put your Life in Perspective

'Suffering and happiness are twins'.
Moral Teaching: Life is a mixture of joy and suffering and so we must learn to accept both, and the acceptance of both is a sign of maturity.

'The crab says that when you see it walking clumsily
it does not mean that it has lost its way'.
Moral Teaching: This proverb can be used by anybody whose actions are misunderstood, to warn those who judge him that he has not forgotten the essential principles that guide his behaviour. The proverb warns against the practice of misjudging the basic principles that guide the behaviour of people.

'A cripple does not start a war song'.
Explanation: Usually when war songs are sung they arouse a fighting spirit in men or arouse them to do some daring deeds; thus the leader of the song must be strong enough to take part in any war-like activity that may follow the singing. A cripple can lead a war song but cannot take part in the warlike activities that may follow from it and this will expose his infirmity.
Moral Teaching: 'A Cripple starting a war song means a person who claims certain qualities that he does not have and such people's empty claims are exposed in due time. This proverb is, therefore, a warning against empty boasting and recommending the virtue of humility.

'You change your steps according to the rhythm of the drum'.
Explanation: During the course of drumming and dancing the rhythm of the leading drum causes the steps of the dancers to change.
Moral Teaching: Adapt yourself and your conduct to changing circumstances and do not be unreasonably rigid in your thinking and behaviour.

'The head of a child who wears an adult's hat is always all covered up to his face'.
Moral Teaching: Experience is used to teach children not to attempt what is beyond their powers. 'The man with a miserable life is never tired of it'.
Moral Teaching: Appreciate what you have by knowing its real value and do not undervalue it through unhealthy comparison.

A bird cannot know when the sorghum is ready (to eat) unless it flies.
Meaning: A lazy person is not aware of opportunities.

He who is not careful gets contaminated.
Meaning: Carelessness has devastating consequences on one's life.

When you stay with a careless person, you end up becoming careless just like him/her
Meaning: Bad behavior is contagious.

The night does not last until the good season.
Meaning: Everything has its beginning and end.

A night without roosters will still end.
Meaning: Hope does not necessarily have to be based on tangible signs.

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