Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Simple Words to Boost your Motivation

The unlucky man's hope prevented him from committing suicide.
Meaning: Hope leads to a successful and victorious life.

Free things decrease one's intelligence.
Meaning: Giving material things to someone without challenging him/her to work creates in him/her the dependency syndrome.

Water aid does not remove completely the dirt.
Meaning: Working hard is more rewarding than depending on handouts.

Where there is no jealousy a small hare's leather is enough to cover four people.
Meaning: Where there is no jealousy people are able to share the little they have.

The crowd does not lie
Moral Teaching: What the majority agrees on in one accord is trustworthy and acceptable.

The person who is cruel dies twice (by his cruelty he has already died socially, then he dies a natural death).
Meaning: To live happily with others one must avoid cruelty.

The happiness of a pregnant woman is a child.
Explanation: A woman reaches personal happiness and psychological fulfillment in motherhood to which she thus naturally tends.

A home carries weight because of the husband.
Explanation: People tend to show little consideration for a home without a husband. His presence, onthe other hand, guarantees respect for everybody in it.

The man is the central pole of the house.
Explanation: Traditional houses have a central pole supporting the roof and keeping the building in place. Man has the same task in the family.

'A beggar can beg for certain things but cannot beg for an ostrich's egg'.
Explanation: The egg of an ostrich is rare and therefore very difficult to get. Moral Teaching: Do not
be over ambitious..

'A child can swallow a big morsel of cornmeal food but cannot
swallow big matters'.
Explanation: A child can handle easy matters but cannot handle serious ones because his experience is limited; therefore he should limit himself to easier matters and should not presume that he can handle serious matters.
Moral Teaching: Do not be overambitious..

'A kitten can catch only a baby mouse'.
Moral Teaching: Always do what you can and have a realistic estimation of your abilities. Avoid overestimation of your powers.

'You cannot crack two palmnuts in the mouth at the same time'.
Explanation: It is easier to crack one palmnut of a special oil-palm tree than to crack two with the teeth.
Moral Teaching: Do not try to do too much at once. Learn to do one thing at a time.

'It is difficult to tell whether a swimmer is drowning or not'.
Explanation: Fishermen are usually good swimmers and it is taken for granted that they will never be drowned and so even if they are drowning the onlookers may take their struggle to save themselves as a performance of some new swimming strokes and will not make any attempt to save them.
Moral Teaching: Those who say that they are steady morally should be careful lest they fall.

'It is a living tree that has vines around it'.
Moral Teaching: This proverb may be used to teach a person who has many friends because of his favourable economic situation to be watchful because his friends may desert him when he becomes poor. Do not forget yourself in time of your success.

'A lazy man does not make a farm close to the footpath'. (if he does so he will be
advertising his own laziness.)
Moral Teaching: Do not foolishly advertise your weaknesses but rather put your best foot forward.

'The cat does not go into a meat trade,' (if it does it will eat up the meat and the
meat trade will collapse.)
Moral Teaching: This proverb is also advising on the adoption of the right and realistic attitude.

Chicken egg cannot turn its hen over.
Explanation:This is an advice to some young people who by their book knowledge, might claim to know better than their parents. This proverb can also be a lesson to many Christians who instead of begging God to forgive them by His grace, they tell God what they want Him to do for them.

Ants are fused around where there is a greasy palm nut.
Explanation: Relatives and friends of a wealthy man used the opportunity of being members of the family or friends of the rich man to converge on him until he is broke. But when his avenue of wealth is closed, no more relatives or friends, can be seen around him.

A dog cannot bite you when it has warned you.
Meaning: One is not likely to fall into the trap of his enemy when the latter has warned him/her.

When a drum that used to scare you is drumming, you have to run away.
Meaning: It is wise to recognize the signs of danger

1 comment:

  1. "The crowd does not lie
    Moral Teaching: What the majority agrees on in one accord is trustworthy and acceptable."

    So we should accept the will of the herd, no matter its obvious flaw, because it is the will of the herd, therefore it cannot be flawed.

    "The happiness of a pregnant woman is a child.
    Explanation: A woman reaches personal happiness and psychological fulfillment in motherhood to which she thus naturally tends."

    So females have no purpose but procreation.

    "A home carries weight because of the husband.
    Explanation: People tend to show little consideration for a home without a husband. His presence, onthe other hand, guarantees respect for everybody in it."

    So males have no purpose but symbolism.

    You managed to assemble three sayings that are not only flawed, but _offensive_. Well done indeed.
